董事长致辞Chairman's speech| 福街介绍Introduction to Fu Street| 标志释义Logo Interpretation| 企业文化corporate culture| 项目简介Project introduction| 企业荣誉| 福街大事记|






2017年11月28日,中国扶贫开发协会确定盘锦福街商业广场作为永久会址,每年主办一届全国贫困地区名优特农产品交易博览会。 2017年11月28日,蓝天城儿童素质培训基地被国务院扶贫办授予“全国贫困地区少年儿童湿地夏令营活动基地”













2019年5月18日, 2019(盘锦)全国贫困地区农产品对接会开幕式在福街商业广场隆重举行。国务院扶贫办党组成员、副主任洪天云,国务院扶贫办社会扶贫司社会动员处处长王大洋,中国扶贫开发协会会长袁文先,中国药文化研究会会长禹同生,中共中央对外联络部原副部长马文普,中纪委原副部级巡视专员戴俭明,最高人民检察院原党组成员、反贪局长罗辑,司法部原党组成员、纪检组组长岳宣义,空军第七军原副军长、少将刘子贤,中宣部办公厅原主任薛启亮,中纪委六局原副局长周福生,公安部美协副主席兼秘书长杨艾路。辽宁省人民政府副秘书长孙繁柏,辽宁省扶贫办副主任郭善瑞;盘锦市委副书记、市长汤方栋,盘锦市委常委、军分区司令员张庆国,盘锦市委常委、副市长李睿懿,盘锦市副市长贾洪琳,盘锦市政府秘书长崔发林;兴隆台区委书记戚宇,区人民政府区长耿敏等领导出席开幕式。各有关省区市扶贫办、各参加对接会扶贫县负责同志以及扶贫龙头企业负责人参加会议。来自全国24个省、302个贫困县的730余种农产品参展。



2021.6.12 在福街举办 “巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果 助力乡村振兴”暨2021脱贫地区及欠发达地区消费帮扶系列活动,主要以全国各省市农副产业为主体,全面展示各区域名优特产品。继续为全国脱贫地区及欠发达地区,名优特农产品开辟窗口,免费提供线上与线下销售服务。不但提高了各地农产品的知名度,而且增加了农民收入,也把原生态绿色健康食品搬到了百姓餐桌。
2022.2.1  为迎接春节、元宵节,百年福街于2022年2月1日至2月15日为市民献上一场大型文化盛宴“迎春灯会”,以此来回报市委、市政府、区委、区政府以及全市人民,彰显兴隆台区政事顺遂、百姓和乐、繁荣和谐的城市风貌。灯会主要以城市发展、乡村振兴为理念,通过中华传统文化、盘锦地域文化和民俗文化的彩灯设计、琳琅满目的商品展销、特色迥异的美食、丰富多彩的文化活动等元素,形成一幅现代民俗画卷,打造一处集文化传承、娱乐购物、休闲旅游于一体的地标式年文化灯会。

Events of Panjin Fujie Plaza Business Management Co., Ltd. (Shilin real estate)

Year 2016:

On June 3, 2016, Panjin Shilin Real Estate Co., Ltd. was established.

In 2017:

From October 21 to 22, 2017, China Association for poverty alleviation and development and Panjin Shilin Real Estate Co., Ltd. jointly launched the "Panjin Shilin real estate targeted poverty alleviation project". Ma Wenpu, former Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, Yuan Wenxian, President of the China Association for poverty alleviation and development, and Li Rong, deputy director of the social poverty alleviation Department of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, attended the launching ceremony and delivered speeches. Zhang Lin, former member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning provincial Party committee and political commissar of the provincial military region, song Shuyou, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of agriculture, Wang Zhiguo, former vice chairman of the all China Federation of industry and commerce, relevant leaders from Liaoning provincial government, Panjin City and Xinglongtai District, relevant persons in charge of the Education Bureau, Poverty Alleviation Office and 30 poverty-stricken project counties attended the launching ceremony.
On November 28, 2017, China Association for poverty alleviation and development identified Panjin Fujie commercial plaza as the permanent venue to host the annual national famous, excellent and special agricultural products trade fair in poor areas. On November 28, 2017, the blue sky city children's quality training base was awarded by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council as "the activity base of wetland summer camp for children in poverty stricken areas"
Year of 2018:
On January 28, 2018, sponsored by China Association for poverty alleviation and development, people's Government of Xinglongtai District, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, and co sponsored by China Xiaojun Research Association and organized by Panjin Shilin poverty alleviation Association, the "2017 report meeting on targeted poverty alleviation project of Panjin Shilin real estate" was held in Beijing. Qi Xuchun, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting. He pijie, Deputy Secretary General of the CPPCC National Committee and full-time vice chairman of the Central Committee of the democratic revolution, Hong Tianyun, member of the Party group and deputy director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, and Yuan Wenxian, president of the China Association for poverty alleviation and development, attended the meeting and made important speeches.
On June 24, 2018, Panjin TV station interviewed and recorded the news programs of "rapid progress of project construction, frequent highlights of the city's" night economy "and" Fu Street is praised by the public at night ", which were broadcast on July 8 and 12.
In July 19, 2018, the staff of Shilin poverty alleviation Association visited Zhangwu County, Liaoning province. Liaoning satellite TV was recorded at the Zhangwu county and Fujie commercial square. It was entitled "the new era, new action and new chapter", which was targeted at the new era, new action and new chapter under the guidance of Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology of socialism with China. It was broadcast in August 6th.
On August 18, 2018, Panjin Fu Street commercial plaza "Centennial Fu Street" opened grandly, marking a new stage of development for Shilin Real Estate Co., Ltd. to build a national precision poverty alleviation brand, explore the mode of "commerce + public welfare", "cultural tourism + public welfare", and build the first "targeted poverty alleviation characteristic town" in China.
On August 22, 2018, Panjin Fujie Plaza Business Management Co., Ltd. was established.
On September 17 and 25, 2018, the special program "mission in the heart, responsibility on the shoulder" was filmed and recorded by Liaoning Radio and television station's "power of integrity" column, reflecting the targeted poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation of Shilin Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Panjin Shilin poverty alleviation Association, which was broadcast on October 7, 8, 17, 18 and December 25.
On October 22, 2018, the reporter group of Liaoning poverty alleviation Association Magazine came to Shilin Real Estate Co., Ltd. to conduct a special interview on the positive role and contribution made by Shen Dianxin, chairman of the board of directors, in social charity and public welfare undertakings and in promoting the "Shilin real estate targeted poverty alleviation project".
On November 13, 2018, Panjin TV station recorded and broadcasted the news report "building a new model of targeted poverty alleviation in industry" at Fujie commercial plaza.
In 2019:
On March 21, 2019, China Association for poverty alleviation and Development held the second meeting of the Fifth Board of directors in Beijing. Shen Dianxin, chairman of the company, attended the meeting as the president of Panjin Shilin poverty alleviation Association and entrepreneur vice president.
On April 21, 2019, Qu Tianjun, director of Social Affairs Department of China Poverty Alleviation and Development Association, Liu Fuhe, President of China Association for poverty alleviation and development, Zhang Jin, deputy director of industry and Development Department of China Association for poverty alleviation and development, Xie Yongfu, deputy director of Liaoning provincial poverty alleviation office, Chen Yulian, President of provincial poverty alleviation Association, Han Jiaqing, executive vice president of provincial poverty Alleviation Office, etc Come to Panjin Fu Street commercial plaza to investigate and guide the work.
On May 18, 2019, the opening ceremony of agricultural products docking meeting in poor areas of China (Panjin) was held in Fujie commercial square. Hong Tianyun, member and deputy director of the Party group of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, Wang Dayang, director of the social mobilization Department of the social poverty alleviation Department of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, Yuan Wenxian, President of the China Association for poverty alleviation and development, Yu Tongsheng, President of the Chinese medicine and Culture Research Association, Ma Wenpu, former deputy director of the external liaison department of the CPC Central Committee, Dai Jianming, former deputy ministerial inspector of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and former party member of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the anti-corruption bureau Mr. Luo Ji, the former member of the Party group and leader of the discipline inspection group of the Ministry of justice, Liu Zixian, former deputy commander and major general of the seventh army of the air force, Xue Qiliang, former director of the general office of the Central Propaganda Department, Zhou Fusheng, former deputy director of the sixth Bureau of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Yang ailiu, vice chairman and Secretary General of the Art Association of the Ministry of public security. Sun Fanbai, Deputy Secretary General of Liaoning Provincial People's government, Guo Shanrui, deputy director of Liaoning Poverty Alleviation Office; Tang Fangdong, deputy secretary of Panjin Municipal Party committee and mayor; Zhang Qingguo, member of the Standing Committee of Panjin Municipal Committee and commander of military division; Li Ruiyi, member of the Standing Committee and deputy mayor of Panjin City; Jia Honglin, deputy mayor of Panjin City; Cui Falin, Secretary General of Panjin Municipal government; Qi Yu, Secretary General of Xinglongtai District Committee, Geng min, district chief of District People's government Opening ceremony of export seat. The poverty alleviation offices of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and cities, the responsible comrades of poverty alleviation counties and the leaders of poverty alleviation leading enterprises attended the meeting. More than 730 kinds of agricultural products from 302 poverty-stricken counties and 24 provinces in China participated in the exhibition.
two thousand and nineteen


On April 28, 2020, the national night market in bainianfu Street began trial operation, and dozens of merchants entered the night market, with hundreds of kinds of traditional snacks, special barbecue, national flavor and other delicacies.
On June 25, 2020, panjinji wanghong anchor from major live broadcasting websites settled in bainianfu street square. Through the live broadcast and sale of special agricultural products in Panjin and poor counties all over the country, the "good harvest" of agriculture will become the "good income" of the economy.
On August 23, 2020, the second special job fair for 2020 college students in Xinglongtai District was held in bainianfu street square. As the closing battle of the series of job fairs in the 2020 graduation season for college students, it has built an employment bridge for college graduates. The job fair has attracted more than 133 enterprises.

Year 2021:
On June 12, 2021, a series of activities of "consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and helping rural revitalization" and 2021 consumption assistance in poverty alleviation areas and underdeveloped areas were held in Fujie street, mainly focusing on the agricultural and sideline industries of provinces and cities across the country, and comprehensively displaying the famous and special products of various regions. We will continue to open up windows for famous and special agricultural products in poverty-stricken areas and underdeveloped areas, and provide online and offline sales services free of charge. It has not only improved the popularity of local agricultural products, but also increased farmers' income, but also moved the original ecological green and healthy food to the people's table.
On July 22, 2021, sponsored by Panjin Federation of trade unions and undertaken by Fujie Square Business Management Co., Ltd., the "trade union sends jobs and employment warms the hearts of the people" enterprise employment fair and agricultural products fair was successfully held
on July 22, 2021, expanding employment capacity and improving employment quality. The Fair attracted more than 400 recruitment enterprises and 60 agricultural products enterprises.
2022.2.1 in order to welcome the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, bainianfu Street presented a large-scale cultural feast "Spring Lantern Festival" to the citizens from February 1 to February 15, 2022, so as to repay the municipal Party committee, the municipal government, the district Party committee, the district government and the people of the whole City, and highlight the smooth political affairs, harmony, prosperity and harmony of Xinglongtai District. Based on the concept of urban development and rural revitalization, the Lantern Festival will form a modern folk custom picture through the Lantern Design of Chinese traditional culture, Panjin regional culture and folk culture, a wide range of commodity exhibitions, food with different characteristics, rich and colorful cultural activities and other elements, so as to create a landmark annual cultural Lantern Festival integrating cultural inheritance, entertainment, shopping and leisure tourism.

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版权所有:盘锦福街广场商业管理有限公司    营业执照   技术支持:龙采科技集团鞍山分公司  辽ICP备19002154号-2

