董事长致辞Chairman's speech| 福街介绍Introduction to Fu Street| 标志释义Logo Interpretation| 企业文化corporate culture| 项目简介Project introduction| 企业荣誉| 福街大事记|
标志释义Logo Interpretation




Interpretation of company logo:

The main design of the logo is composed of two squares, two circles and two trapezoids. Square and trapezoid are the foundation of the building, and the two circles symbolize the "stability and completeness" of "Fu Street" format. The surfaces of the two trapezoidal bases are surrounded by numerous lotus petals, and the small circles connected with the waistlines are arranged in order, implying the strong gathering power of "Fu Street", reflecting the cultural realm of unity of one mind, concerted efforts and responsibility; the industry converges on Fulin golden street with "favorable timing, favorable location and harmonious people", and the word "Fu Street" occupies more than half of the logo, indicating the commanding place of "Fu Street" brand The letter SLZY at the center of the circle is the abbreviation of Shilin real estate, which indicates that it plays an important role in the development of enterprises. The logo uses simple black, blue and white as the background color, and the whole pattern represents the enterprise's concentric, stable and upward humanistic spirit.
The work is round as it is, symbolizing the integrity of the business form of "Fu Street" to the outside world and to the real progress of the internal affairs. It also shows the development of "Fu Street" in Panjin, which benefits the country, the people and the world, and is harmonious, prosperous, continuous and continuous.

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版权所有:盘锦福街广场商业管理有限公司    营业执照   技术支持:龙采科技集团鞍山分公司  辽ICP备19002154号-2

